- Scheduled Maintenance Notice: This site will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance from 6:30 24/11/2024 to 4:30 (IST) 25/11/2024. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- Please note that the MISUMI Pune office and warehouse will be closed on November 20th due to the state election.
- Notice of End of Sales for Economy Series Pneumatic Equipment Category. More information.
Board Panels
Board panels refer to board-shaped components. They are used as circuit boards, casing, covers, hoods, partitioning, and in a variety of other applications. They are classified into flat types and those that can be used with hole drilling customizations; the flat types are more versatile and available in materials such as aluminum, steel, stainless steel, and more. Other materials that are available include wood, ABS resin, acrylic resin, phosphor bronze, etc., and are available as a wide variety of products such as ornamental covers that can be used out of the box, and more. Board panels that can be used with hole drilling customizations are often used as machine parts and include highly corrosion-resistant, hot-dip galvanized steel plates, panels with heat vents, dust-proof/waterproof panels, etc. They also include enclosure types with overhangs, L-shaped and Z-shaped types, multiple sheets in a set, etc., and can be selected to suit the application.
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